Class AssetTransferTransaction

Asset Transfer Transaction

Hierarchy (view full)



aamt: number | bigint

Asset Amount

The amount of the asset to be transferred. A zero amount transferred to self allocates that asset in the account's Asset map.

aclose?: Uint8Array

Specify this field to remove the asset holding from the sender account and reduce the account's minimum balance (i.e. opt-out of the asset).

arcv: Uint8Array

Asset Receiver

The recipient of the asset transfer.

asnd?: Uint8Array

Asset Sender

The sender of the transfer. The regular sender field should be used and this one set to the zero value for regular transfers between accounts. If this value is nonzero, it indicates a clawback transaction where the sender is the asset's clawback address and the asset sender is the address from which the funds will be withdrawn.

fee: bigint


Paid by the sender to the FeeSink to prevent denial-of-service. The minimum fee on Algorand is currently 1000 microAlgos.

fv: bigint

First Valid

The first round for when the transaction is valid. If the transaction is sent prior to this round it will be rejected by the network.

gen?: string

Genesis ID

The human-readable string that identifies the network for the transaction. The genesis ID is found in the genesis block. See the genesis ID for MainNet, TestNet, and BetaNet.

gh: Uint8Array

Genesis Hash

The hash of the genesis block of the network for which the transaction is valid. See the genesis hash for MainNet, TestNet, and BetaNet.

grp?: Uint8Array


The group specifies that the transaction is part of a group and, if so, specifies the hash of the transaction group. Assign a group ID to a transaction through the workflow described in the Atomic Transfers Guide.

lv: bigint

Last Valid

The ending round for which the transaction is valid. After this round, the transaction will be rejected by the network.

lx?: Uint8Array


A lease enforces mutual exclusion of transactions. If this field is nonzero, then once the transaction is confirmed, it acquires the lease identified by the (Sender, Lease) pair of the transaction until the LastValid round passes. While this transaction possesses the lease, no other transaction specifying this lease can be confirmed. A lease is often used in the context of Algorand Smart Contracts to prevent replay attacks. Read more about Algorand Smart Contracts. Leases can also be used to safeguard against unintended duplicate spends. For example, if I send a transaction to the network and later realize my fee was too low, I could send another transaction with a higher fee, but the same lease value. This would ensure that only one of those transactions ends up getting confirmed during the validity period.

note?: Uint8Array


Any data up to 1000 bytes.

rekey?: Uint8Array

Rekey To

Specifies the authorized address. This address will be used to authorize all future transactions.

snd: Uint8Array


The address of the account that pays the fee and amount.

Transaction Type

Specifies the type of transaction. This value is automatically generated using any of the developer tools.

xaid: number | bigint

Transfer Asset

The unique ID of the asset to be transferred.
