Class AlgorandEncoder


  • Encoder
    • AlgorandEncoder



  • decodeAddress takes an Algorand address in string form and decodes it into a Uint8Array.


    • address: string

      an Algorand address with checksum.

    Returns Uint8Array

    the decoded form of the address's public key and checksum

  • Parameters

    • publicKey: Buffer

    Returns string

  • Parameters

    • stx: object

    Returns Uint8Array

  • Parameters

    • Rest...arrs: ArrayLike<number>[]

    Returns Uint8Array

  • Casts a number or bigint to BigInt and checks if it's within the safe integer range.


    • value: number | bigint

      The number or bigint to be casted.

    Returns bigint

    The value as a BigInt.

    Error if the value is not within the safe integer range.